As a rule, its target group is a wide range of participants interested in how the Group is doing, including its employees, shareholders, local community, social organisations, customers, and partners.
The main parts of the report deal with the efficiency of business activities, the provision of manufacturing safety, staff support and development, and the support the Group is providing to the social and economic development of the area of its activities. In addition to that, with the help of the present report we intend to introduce and promote the concept of sustainable development and the basics of responsible entrepreneurship in Ida-Viru County and in Estonia as a whole.
In order to handle the topics of interest appropriately in this Report, the analysis of the significance of the aspects of sustainable development has been carried out within the Group on the basis of the studies of internal and external environment, in accordance with individual indicators and topics listed in the GRI reporting standard, involving the parties concerned. A wide range of issues has been dealt with in the present Report in detail, related to the priorities of the Group in the field of sustainable development in 2018.
The report includes information about VKG (in the report also referred to as VKG, Viru Keemia Grupp, and the Group) and its related companies for the year 2018. The information about the financial status and the output of the Group has been presented, using the consolidated data about Viru Keemia Grupp AS. Unless otherwise has been mentioned in the text, the data concerning labour relations within the Group, the social sphere and environmental activities cover both VKG and its related companies. The report also includes mid- and long-term plans, which are just predictions at this point. The implementation of the plans described in the report also depends on such factors (economic, social, legal) that the Group is not in control of. Therefore, the actual outcomes can be different from the expected ones.
Various channels for obtaining feedback are functioning within the Group. Remarks and recommendations concerning the Sustainable Development Report can be submitted to us by phone and e-mail. The main contact for this enquaries is Public Relations Manager Irina Bojenko We are going to study all the message we'll receive from you carefully and take them into consideration while preparing our next Report.