About the report
Introduction, structure and methodology of the report
2Chairman's letter
Address by Ahti Asmann, the Chairman of the Group’s Management Board
3About the company
The Group’s objectives, bases of sustainable economic activities, responsible business strategy
4Management of sustainable development
Priorities, risk management and management systems, cooperation with stakeholders, internal control and supply chain
5Safety first and foremost
Safety culture and objectives, statistics of the year
6For a cleaner environment
Leading principles, management of climate impact, investments and indicators of the year
7Our people
Principles and main areas of work, employee profile, development and training, cooperation with partner organisations
8Economic environment and main economic results
Market trends and overview, the Group’s financial results
9Events of the reporting period
Main events of the year
Assessment and index of the report’s important topics. GRI index
Main contact details of VKG and its subsidiaries