About the report
This is Viru Keemia Grupp’s 2020 and 2021 report on activities in the area of sustainable development. It is the tenth published report which presents the Group’s viewpoints and activities in solving tasks related to corporate responsibility and sustainable development.
The report contains information about Viru Keemia Grupp AS and its subsidiaries (which are in this report also referred to as VKG or the Group) in the calendar years of 2020 and 2021. The data characterising the Group’s financial standing and production activities originate from the consolidated data of Viru Keemia Grupp AS. The report covers the following topics: management, economic efficiency related activities and results, ensuring production and environmental safety, supporting and developing the employees, promoting socioeconomic development, and compliance with human rights in the Group.
Additional objectives of the report
To make the organisation’s activities more transparent;
To build trust between stakeholders, local residents and VKG employees;
To inform all the interested parties about our work.
VKG’s Sustainable Development Report is a public document available electronically on the Group’s website in Estonian, English and Russian. The target audience of the report is a wide range of stakeholders of Viru Keemia Grupp, including professionals, shareholders, investors, residents of the Virumaa region, social organisations, customers and partners.

Standards of information disclosure
The report has been prepared in accordance with the respective parts of the Global Reporting Initiative’s sustainability reporting guidelines (GRI reporting guidelines) and the GRI Oil and Gas Sector Standard. The Group shares and applies the principles of Oil and Gas Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting (IPIECA/ API, 2016). More details concerning the compliance of this publication with high disclosure requirements can be found on the last page of the report where the GRI table of contents is located. The previous reports have been prepared in accordance with GRI levels G3 and G4, respectively.
The ISO and OHSAS certification materials of the enterprise were also used while preparing the report. The data pertaining to environment protection and occupational safety conform to the requirements prescribed in the relevant standards.
The report contains plans of medium-term and long-term perspective. The information is a forecast, as the implementation of disclosed intentions also depends on (economic, social, legal) factors which are beyond the Group’s control. The actual results may therefore differ from the plans.
The GRI is a voluntary organisation promoting reporting and gathering enterprises that value sustainable development all over the world. This organisation is the founder of the concept of sustainable development and it has developed recommended guidelines for sustainable development reports.
For more information about the organisation and the guidelines, please visit:
Main topics of the report
Financial stability and production efficiency
UN Sustainable Development Goals 8, 12

Cooperation with suppliers; combating corruption; compliance with antitrust laws; respect for human rights; production safety and quality
Management of sustainable development
UN Sustainable Development Goals 5, 8, 9, 12, 16

Work protection and safety of production processes
UN Sustainable Development Goals 3
Energy efficiency and energy saving; use of water resources; greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions; generation, recovery and reuse of waste; compliance with nature conservation laws
UN Sustainable Development Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Employment relationships and engagement, development of employee potential; relations between employees and management, freedom to form unions; training and development of employees; fair pay and social support to employees
UN Sustainable Development Goals 4, 5, 8

Indirect economic impact; programmes for developing local associations
Management of sustainable development
UN Sustainable Development Goals 4, 7, 11, 17