Management of sustainable
VKG has been implementing an integral policy of social responsibility and sustainable development for 13 years by now. In both short-term and long-term perspective, the Group’s strategy includes sustainable development tasks in a period of changes in the energy sources market and the interests of society.

In strategic planning, we take into account risks and opportunities related to climate change and the transition to low carbon emission energy production, including the European Union’s Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package.
We aim to combine the dynamic growth of the company with reducing the burden on the ecosystem, maintaining the security and safety of production facilities and increasing the efficiency of all types of investments.
Sustainable development strategy
The Group’s overall strategy is based on strict requirements for the environmental sustainability of production, social responsibility, and occupational safety. We have mapped the ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) objectives and focus on seven topics which we handle as a part of a consistent process. One integral part of our sustainability strategy is the responsible use and rational enrichment of natural resources. We are aware that the extraction and production of any mineral resources has an impact on the surrounding environment and we therefore always strive to do more than prescribed by laws or regulations.
Read more about VKG’s corporate social responsibility and sustainable development policy here.
Sustainable development priorities
Increasing the efficiency of the main activities
- Production and occupational safety;
- minimising the environmental impact;
- energy efficiency and saving;
- development of employee potential;
- supporting regional development.
Supporting initiatives and membership in associations
- we share the principles of the United Nations Global Compact;
- our sustainable development objectives and areas of activity are related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
- we support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the efforts towards achieving climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050;
- participation in associations:
- vastutustundliku Ettevõtluse Foorum (Corporate Social Responsibility Forum)
- hoolime ja Vastutame (Responsible Care)
- united Nations Global Compact
- global Reporting Initiative
Our guiding principles
- openness and transparency;
- honesty and correctness;
- honesty and correctness;
- compliance with international standards.

Organisation culture values and principles that support sustainable development
Safety of people, the environment, and property
The safety of employees, local residents and the environment always stands above any economic, technical or other considerations. The Group aims to ensure safe working conditions for people, and we demand the same from our partners. The Group has established a clear, understandable and fulfillable system of safety rules. We respect our employees’ right to refrain and/or refuse from performing work tasks which may damage human health or the environment.
Working conditions based on respect
We comply with human rights and ensure equal opportunities for everyone. The Group strives to create a working environment free of bullying and harassment. The arrangement of employment relationships does not depend on nationality, religious beliefs, gender, age, social status or origin, physical limitations, state of health, civil status, sexual self-expression or orientation, or any other attributes. We expect our employees to treat each other with respect and courtesy, together creating an atmosphere of open communication, trust and mutual respect.
Attentiveness and respect towards colleagues
We find that the efficient performance of duties and the solution of extensive tasks is not possible without trust, mutual assistance and a constructive discussion of different viewpoints.
We are always ready to help colleagues, regardless of which subunit they work in.
Equal and understandable requirements for all business partners, compliance with business ethics standards
VKG sets equal and clear requirements for all its business partners and holds competitive tenders for selecting the most optimal cooperation partner by price, quality and terms and conditions. In communicating with the representatives of partners as well as in other communication related to the activities of the Group’s partners, our employees have to comply with the generally applicable business ethics standards, avoiding excesses, derisive attitudes and personal opinions. The employees who are responsible for cooperation with partners have to let the partners know which ethical requirements must be complied with and how to respond to such requirements.
No corruption, conflicts of interest and misuse of inside information
The Group does not tolerate any forms of corruption. Bribes, payoff, expensive gifts or other such are categorically forbidden. If a violation of anti-corruption laws is discovered among employees or partners, the Group shall immediately take appropriate measures.
Among the best - we were once again recognised with a bronze medal!
Viru Keemia Grupp participated once again in the corporate social responsibility index questionnaire organised by the Corporate Social Responsibility Forum, in order to get an assessment of the company’s socially responsible and sustainable activities also by external experts. This year, activities were assessed in three categories: governance, climate and environment, and society and social environment. A total of 63 companies took part in the assessment.

Responsibility is not a separate objective or plan for us. Above all, it is natural output of our work and this way of thinking has from year to year been integrated in our strategy and everyday activities. To ensure our sustainability in an ever-evolving and changing business environment, we need to do and contribute just a little more than we are asked to. As one of the region’s largest employers and an industrial company, we are well aware of the impact of our operations, which is why we work every day to reduce the environmental impact of our production, to ensure a safe working environment for our 1,630 employees, and to ensure their personal development. We also believe it is important to contribute to the lives of our employees’ families and the overall community in the region, to keep the cultural and educational life of the region active.
The Corporate Responsibility award is not an award for past performance, but a public declaration that, among other things, sets an example to others in the industry and attracts people with the same values to work for the company.
Ahti Asmann
Chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp

Responsibility is not a separate objective or plan for us. Above all, it is natural output of our work and this way of thinking has from year to year been integrated in our strategy and everyday activities. To ensure our sustainability in an ever-evolving and changing business environment, we need to do and contribute just a little more than we are asked to. As one of the region’s largest employers and an industrial company, we are well aware of the impact of our operations, which is why we work every day to reduce the environmental impact of our production, to ensure a safe working environment for our 1,630 employees, and to ensure their personal development. We also believe it is important to contribute to the lives of our employees’ families and the overall community in the region, to keep the cultural and educational life of the region active.
The Corporate Responsibility award is not an award for past performance, but a public declaration that, among other things, sets an example to others in the industry and attracts people with the same values to work for the company.
Ahti Asmann
Chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp
Risk management in the area of sustainable development
The Group runs a risk management system which determines a uniform approach to the risk management process and concentrates the standardised tools and methods for analysing risks, including environmental, production safety and social risks.
The main risks in the area of sustainable development include risks related to environmental and production safety and the availability of qualified labour. We take appropriate preventive measures in order to prevent the risks from materialising and to protect people, the environment, equipment and technological processes.
We manage risks related to human life and health and the environment by taking the precautionary approach.
The risk management document is reviewed once in every two years. The last update took place at the end of 2020. The Group’s risk management report addresses risks in different areas: strategic, operational, financial and compliance risks. For each risk, the likelihood and impact of its occurrence are assessed and classified accordingly: critical, conditional, low impact, negligible and insignificant. For each risk, a responsible party and a mitigation plan have been assigned.
The precautionary approach has in international documents been formulated as follows:
Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
14 june 1992

The precautionary approach has in international documents been formulated as follows:
Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
14 june 1992
Risk management process

The risk management objectives are:
- to support the making of management decisions;
- to avoid or diminish any damages to the Group’s assets and reputation;
- to increase the effectiveness of the Group’s activities;
- to increase the efficiency of using the Group’s resources (capital, energy);
- to reduce occurrences of unexpected situations and to prepare action plans for such situations.
Risk management measures
The risk management report identifies the risks that are significant for VKG, their description, assessment and mitigation measures. Risk management is based on the Group’s key objectives, which are primarily related to VKG’s aim to maximise the value of oil shale and process it in the most efficient way.
The risks identified are split into five categories:
strategic risks – related to the Group’s long-term objectives (changes in the market, competition);2.
operational risks – related to the Group’s processes (activities of employees and equipment);3.
financial risks – related to direct financial losses (interest rates, exchange rates);4.
fraud and theft – related to damages and financial losses;5.
compliance risks – related to regulations (laws, guidelines).Risk assessment
The risk management report highlights risks that need more attention and require further action to mitigate. The risks listed in the Risk Management Report are assessed on a 4-point scale for their likelihood and impact. According to the result of the assessment, the risk is ranked on an impact/likelihood scale as follows (in brackets is the likelihood or impact rating from 1 to 4):
Critical risk - when the risk materialises, the Group’s activities (processes) are significantly disrupted and the achievement of the objectives requires significant additional resources (3); or the activities cannot be continued, there is consequential damage, which requires significant additional resources (4). The occurrence of the risk is probable (3) or certain (4).
Conditional risk - the occurrence of the risk will result in the need for significant additional resources (3) or significant damage to assets/reputation (4), but the risk is not critical because the probability of occurrence is low (1) or possible (2).
Low impact risk - the occurrence of the risk is probable (3) or certain (4) but, if it occurs, it will cause little disruption to the Group’s activities and require few additional resources (effects 1 and 2).
Negligible risk - the occurrence of the risk is unlikely (1) or possible (2) and will not lead to significant disruption to operations, achievement of objectives, resource needs (effects 1 and 2).
Insignificant risk - mentioned only on the grounds that the risk has been previously mentioned as a significant risk but subsequently assessed as unlikely to materialise (0) and/or its impact as practically negligible (0).
The total risk rating is determined as a product of impact and probability.
Below are just a few examples of the mapped risks.
Strategic market and legal risks
We operate in a volatile global market, where price volatility is influenced by a range of factors at national, European and global level. Thus, one of the strategic risks we see is a fall in the oil selling price below the critical threshold in the context of a general fall in the oil price. Sales of shale oil account for 2/3 of the Group’s net turnover, so the risk of changes in the market prices of oil and oil products is an inevitable part of the Group’s activities. The vast majority of our sales contracts are subject to the condition that the selling price of the product is directly linked to the market prices of oil products. The other part is indirectly dependent on world market prices. The selling price of shale oil may fall as a result of both a fall in the world oil price and depreciation of the dollar.
Another important strategic risk relates to the fall in the volume of free CO2 quotas and the rapid increase in the price of the quota. The massive increase in the price of CO2 quotas will impose a heavy additional tax burden on oil production, making the cost of oil production more expensive than the market price of oil and therefore making business unviable.
The shale oil industry is a part of the EU’s oil refining and carbon leakage sector, which is allocated free CO2 quotas. The trading rules and the procedures for allocating free CO2 allowances until 2025 are currently known. The further procedures are still being developed. Decisions to be taken by the European Parliament and the Commission in the course of the Green Deal will play an important role in ensuring the Group’s business and competitiveness, as they could significantly reduce the amount of free CO2 quotas allocated to shale oil production and increase the purchase price of the quotas.
Operating risks
Operating risks stem from deficient and ineffective processes and systems as well as the insufficient competences or activities of people in managing the work processes. In order to avoid operating risks, the Group has developed risk management principles, various standards and management systems. We understand operating risks to include technological and IT risks as well as operating risks related to the external environment, such as those arising from clients and suppliers.
We pay great attention to risks related to occupational safety and the working environment. All the Group enterprises implement the respective systems for managing and monitoring activities. We handle occupational safety risks on the principle that prevention is more important than dealing with consequences. The Group implements a system for registering dangerous situations, which is accessible to all the employees, partners and visitors to the production territory. An in-depth analysis and timely elimination of registered dangerous situations has prevented several potential work accidents.
Relying on the experience from the previous year, we treat widely spread epidemics and pandemics (e.g. COVID-19) as a separate risk which may cause complex problems for the enterprise:
- a possible effect on the employees’ health;
- an extensive spread of a disease may cause production downtime;
- the measures taken to limit the wide spread of a disease may cause a decrease in the demand for oil.
A special focus is on the management of the risk of fraud. In order to reduce the threat of the risk of fraud and theft as well as the threat of possible damage, we primarily concentrate on preventive measures and increasing efficiency. We regularly perform random checks and increase the efficiency of process transparency. Great attention is paid to the detection of cases of fraud and to the speed of responding to such cases. The focus is on everyday work towards informing the Group’s employees and encouraging them to provide feedback, for which purpose various operative channels have been created.
Management of social and environmental risks
Production and environmental safety risks
Since VKG is a representative of the processing industry and a manufacturer of fuel containing carbon, significant environmental risks accompany the activities of VKG, which manifest themselves both in oil shale extraction, boosting its value, and marketing oil shale products. The goal of VKG is to become a pioneer in this branch of industry and set an example of how it is possible to resolve environmental risks within traditional production in a smart and rational way, using modern technologies. Within the past 17 years the Group has made an investment in a total amount of 90 million euros into different environmental projects, aiming at minimising its environmental footprint. Investments have mainly been focused on the efficient use of resources and the minimisation of the entailing environmental effects.
Risk management measures
- Regulation monitoring: The Environmental Department performs the internal monitoring of regulations related to the environment – amendments to laws and directives are being monitored on a daily basis.
- Keeping up to date with the industry trends; being represented in decision-making processes: VKG participates in all possible workgroups via the Estonian Chemical Industry Association.
- Timely investments.
- Engagement of stakeholders and timely notification and information exchange.
Risks related to people
The Group’s activities directly depend on its employees. The lack of a sufficient number of qualified employees, particularly in the area of engineering and technology, may cause risks related to labour deficit. Competition in the Estonian labour market may grow tighter, as there is a shortage of qualified specialists. Inability to attract new qualified employees and/or retain the existing qualified employees may have a negative effect on the attractivity of the Group as an employer. The demand for and the expenses incurred on qualified employees are growing as expected, largely reflecting the interest of other industries and state projects in them.
Risk management measures
- The Group offers safe jobs and a competitive salary, participation in large-scale projects and interesting work tasks and trains its employees under special programmes. We take additional measures to reduce labour turnover and encourage employees to engage in self-development.
- The enterprise identifies the existing key employees and talents and creates a development programme for them in order to ensure the consistency of knowledge. We participate in the development of the study programmes of areas of specialisation of interest to us at TalTech.
- Scholarships for TalTech students in order to motivate them to stay at their homeplace.
Risks related to the local community
The risk that the way of thinking in the community becomes increasingly greener and opposes the production of fossil fuels. Social unacceptance may affect the activities and reputation of the enterprise and cause difficulties in implementing investment projects and recruiting employees.
The risk that the local community does not support the new development projects of the enterprise and the expansion of the industry. In order to hedge this risk, we communicate openly with the local residents and hold regular meetings with initiative groups, in the course of which we describe the directions of development and discuss environmental matters. We make extensive investments into the improvement of the living environment, e.g. into the improvement of ambient air quality in the city of Kohtla-Järve. At the same time, it is important to note that the integration of the oil shale industry in socio-economic development and their mutual effect are characteristic features of the Ida-Viru region. The oil shale industry is one of the largest employers in the region – approximately 7,300 people are directly employed in the sector, but many times more are indirectly involved. The sector also offers a salary that is above the average in the region. For the people living here, the presence and development of the sector therefore mean a confidence in their future and a stable income which ensures everyday subsistence and a sense of security.
Internal audit
Internal audit plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency of the management of the Group and in financial activities.
The company has an internal control system which ensures:
- risk minimisation;
- continuity of operations of the company, highest possible efficiency and sustainability and opportunities for development, including adjusting the operation of the company in due course according to changes in the internal and external environment;
- a uniform and systematic methodological approach and high-quality information and analytical support to management decision-making;
- resolving conflicts of interests emerging during the operation of the enterprise in due course.
Combating corruption
Viru Keemia Grupp manages all of its business processes in an ethical and responsible manner. The Group does not tolerate any corruption, including giving and accepting bribes.
VKG has developed and approved the Procedure for Avoiding Conflicts of Interest which is mandatory for all the employees of the Group and its subsidiaries, regardless of their position.
The Procedure determines the definition of a conflict of interest and other terms and definitions related to the fight against fraud and tasks the senior management with developing a uniform ethical standard on the unacceptability of any forms and manifestations of corruption.
The Procedure lists the methods and procedures used in combating fraud and corruption in the Group – including a hotline, the organisation of investigations, and a call to act responsibly, reporting violations. The document also contains the principles of cooperation with officials, accepting and making gifts, representation expenses, and financial relations with third persons.
Three major corruption risks identified by VKG, together with the measures used for hedging the risks:
- Giving bribes to ensure the interests of the Group - VKG is a responsible and transparent enterprise which has established zero tolerance towards corruption and bribery.
- Accepting bribes in choosing suppliers and cooperation partners - the Group has established a procurement policy the aim of which is to avoid swayed procurements and always choose the most favourable cooperation partner for the Group. Compliance with the procurement policy is regularly monitored.
- Conflicts of interest of executive employees in representing the interests of the enterprise - The Group has developed a procedure for the submission of reports of economic interests, pursuant to which executive employees have to report their holdings in and connections to companies outside the Group. It is forbidden for Management Board members to provide competition in any area of activity of VKG, unless the Supervisory Board has granted its prior written consent to that.
The Group has a special confidential channel (vihje@vkg.ee) through which any employee or third person can report violations related to the activities of the Group, let it be issues related to corporate management and corporate ethics, compliance with human rights, work organisation, safety, protection at the workplace, quality of goods and services, or any other matters of corruptive nature. There were no confirmed cases of corruption during the reporting period.
Report processing
Cooperation with stakeholders takes place via feedback channels which allow stakeholders to express their opinion or file complaints. One such channel is the hotline for reporting corruption, fraud and violations of law. The hotline is a tool for exchanging information in the Group and receiving feedback from stakeholders.
Reports may be sent to the hotline by e-mail or phone or via the webpage. The confidentiality of the person making the report is guaranteed in the use of any of these communication channels.
Anyone can use the hotline, anonymously, if wished. All the reports are handled individually and after an objective and comprehensive review a decision is made and feedback is given. The reports are checked by the representatives of our subunits – personnel specialists, lawyers and production safety employees. We are interested in our employees/partners actively using the hotline and being aware of its possibilities.
Compliance with human rights
VKG builds its activities on compliance with human rights and ensuring equal opportunities and labour law. We strive to create a working environment free of bullying and do not allow discrimination on the basis of nationality, gender, age or any other attributes. We expect our employees to treat each other with courtesy and respect. We do not use child labour or forced labour. The Group respects the employees’ right to form voluntary associations to protect their rights and interests, including the right to form trade unions, and to join such associations. In the area of human rights, we responsibly comply with legal requirements and the standards of international law.
The Group’s human rights positions are established in the following documents:
- Personnel Policy;
- Procedure for Combating Conflicts of Interest;
- Industrial and Environmental Safety and Work Protection Policy.
Data security
The Group has in place a document entitled “Procedure for Processing Personal Data”. In addition, we also have 7 simple principles for responsible data processing, which are available to all employees on our internal website, and we have also covered this topic in the Group’s internal newsletter. This topic is also covered in the Code of Ethics, with specific instructions for all employees. The Group’s subsidiaries most involved in the protection of personal data are those providing network services to customers – VKG Soojus and VKG Elektrivõrgud. These companies also have specialists responsible for personal data protection. In order to ensure data security, the Group has established a secure IT network that meets all the requirements, and has trained data processing staff.
Disclosure of information
An important part of the management system of Viru Keemia Grupp is transparency and the disclosure of information, which is at the same time in balance with the protection of the Group’s trade secrets and other confidential information.
Our objective is to present timely and regular information about our activities to all the persons interested in receiving it.
The main principles of information concerning our activities include openness, reliability, operativity, timeliness and accessibility.
The main means of transmitting information include the Group’s official webpage and the webpages of the subsidiaries as well as social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
The main information channels that have found a wide audience include the Group’s official page on the Internet, the annual report ning the social responsibility and sustainable development report. The homepage and the reports provide news and information about important events as well as financial and production indicators.
In order to make information equally accessible to all the stakeholders, we publish information on the Group’s homepage in Estonian, English and Russian (the annual report is available in Estonian and English, while the social responsibility and sustainable development report is available in three languages).

Cooperation with the media
Viru Keemia Grupp supports active cooperation with the representatives of the media. Cooperation with the media is regulated by the Procedure for Media Relations.
The main objectives of the disclosure of information are:
- to provide high-quality and fact-based information about the Group’s activities;
- to shape and support the Group’s reputation;
- to build an equal and partner-based dialogue with the representatives of mass media, the authorities and the social organisations related to the Group’s area of activity.
VKG’s Public Relations Department operatively responds to enquiries from the representatives of the media, providing thorough and accurate information about the Group’s projects and commenting on important cross-sectoral topics.
International management systems
The enterprises undergo regular monitoring of the fulfilment of the objectives of the quality management system, hold internal audits and external audits by an independent certification body. In the framework of implementing the best practices, new solutions and best practices are also sought in quality management.
The Group’s companies use international ISO and OHSAS management systems, as shown in the table below.
ISO certificates (environmental and quality management systems) |
OHSAS certificate (occupational health and safety management system) |
VKG | ISO9001, ISO14001 | - | |
VKG Oil | ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO50001 | ISO45001 | |
VKG Kaevandused | ISO9001, ISO14001 | ISO45001 | |
VKG Energia | ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO 50001 | ISO45001 | |
Viru RMT | ISO9001 | ||
VKG Logistika | ISO9001, ISO14001 | ISO45001 | |
VKG Soojus | ISO9001, ISO14001 | ISO45001 | |
VKG Elektrivõrgud | ISO9001 | ISO45001 |

Recertifications and interim audits of Group companies during the reporting period
- certification of the energy management system in accordance with standard ISO 50001,
- regular external audits of the quality management system and the occupational health and safety management systems (in accordance with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO45001) and recertification in 2021,
- transition audit of the chemistry laboratory upon transition from standard EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2006 to standard EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and the accreditation of the chemistry laboratory of VKG Oil in accordance with standard EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
VKG Kaevandused
- ISO 9001 quality management systems,
- ISO 14001 environmental management systems,
- ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems.
VKG Energia
- ISO 9001 quality management systems,
- ISO 14001 environmental management systems,
- ISO 50001 energy management systems,
- ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems.
Viru RMT
- ISO9001;
- EN ISO 3834-2 quality requirements for fusion welding, recertification,
- EN 1090-2 execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures, recertification,
- EN ISO/IEC 17011 supervision of the accreditation of the calibration laboratory, recertification.
VKG Elektrivõrgud
- ISO 9001 quality management systems,
- ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems.
VKG Soojus
- ISO 9001 quality management systems,
- ISO 14001 environmental management systems,
- ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems.
Supply chain management
The priorities in VKG’s purchasing activities include the openness of information, the absence of discrimination and unjustified competition restrictions with regard to the parties in the purchasing process, and the creation of long-term relationships with suppliers.
The Group’s principles in communicating with suppliers:
- transparency,
- competition,
- equality,
- mutual securities,
- confidentiality,
- openness of information.
In purchasing works, services, materials and equipment, the Group uses competition between suppliers. The Procedure for Purchasing Goods, Works and Services applies at the Group level. It is the basic document in planning and performing purchase procedures and selecting suppliers.
The selection of and cooperation with suppliers is based on an integrated management system which is in conformity with standard ISO 9001.
The Purchase Division is responsible for all the purchases made by the Group and its subsidiaries. In order to achieve the necessary level of competition, the Purchase Division may conduct a public pre-qualification procedure to create a database of potential purchase participants which would include companies that are capable of performing works, providing services and supplying goods in accordance with the requirements established for production processes, quality and safety and the results of work and services. Potential participants, whose qualification meets the required level, may be invited to participate in future purchase tenders.
Main requirements for participants in procurement competitions:
- conformity with the main requirements for participants, which are specified in the Procedure for Purchasing Goods, Works and Services;
- experience, production capacity and the availability of qualified labour for the production (supply) of predefined types of goods, the performance of predefined types of work and the provision of predefined types of services at the necessary quality level;
- solvency;
- positive corporate financial and reputation value.
Reporting period in 2020
competitions organised
tenders received
million euros in purchases
Reporting period in 2021
procurements organised plus 321 small procurements
tenders received
million euros in purchases
Principles of cooperation with stakeholders:
- respect for the interests of the parties;
- constructive cooperation;
- transparency of information concerning the Group’s activities;
- regularity of joint activities;
- fulfilment of obligations.
Main mechanisms of cooperation with stakeholders:
- business contacts, cooperation contracts, and agreements;
- work-related meetings and presentations;
- the Group’s communication system;
- public hearings;
- joint workgroups;
- surveying and studying the opinions of employees and clients;
- membership in social and expert associations;
- conferences and roundtables;
- reporting.
Main stakeholder groups:
- shareholders;
- employees;
- clients;
- suppliers and partners;
- state and local government institutions;
- the local community;
- NGOs and civic associations;
- professional unions.
Cooperation with key stakeholder groups
Main expectations and interests
- Openness of information
- Adherence to shareholders’ rights
Cooperation mechanisms
- Regular monthly meetings of shareholders
- The general meeting of shareholders
- Corporate reporting
Main expectations and interests
- Safe working conditions
- Professional development opportunities
- A decent benefit package
- Social support
Cooperation mechanisms
- Internal communication system
- Meetings with the management of the enterprise to discuss topical matters
- Joint healthcare committees
- Meetings with the participation of trade union representatives
- Survey on psychological factors
- Forums, conferences, cultural and sports events
Main expectations and interests
- Production quality, its technical and ecological aspects
- Efficiency and flexibility of marketing channels and the sales division
- Transparent pricing
- Business ethics
Cooperation mechanisms
- Contracts
- A feedback and proposal handling system
- Mass media tools
- An external communication system
- Business meetings, including outing meetings
- Conferences and forums
- Corporate reporting
Suppliers and partners
Main expectations and interests
- Fulfilment of mutual obligations
- Transparency, openness and competition in choosing suppliers
- Compliance with business ethics and fight against corruption
Cooperation mechanisms
- Contracts and agreements
- An objective assessment system
- Business meetings
- Corporate reporting
State and local government institutions
Main expectations and interests
- Ensuring energy independence
- Receipt of taxes
- Technological development of the oil shale sector
- Minimisation of negative environmental impact
- Conformity of activities with legal norms
Cooperation mechanisms
- Joint workgroups, roundtables and meetings
- Corporate reporting
- Participation in committees and conferences
Local community
Main expectations and interests
- Creation of jobs in the region
- Supporting the growth of social activity and social entrepreneurship
- Receipt of taxes into the local budget
- Production and environmental safety
- Competitive salaries
- Supporting initiatives and cultural, sports and educational projects in the region
Cooperation mechanisms
- Projects that support social development, education, healthcare, culture and sports
- Public hearings, roundtables and dialogues
- Internal and external corporate communication
- Corporate reporting
NGOs and civic associations
Main expectations and interests
- The Group’s production safety, nature protection measures
- The Group’s participation in local and sectoral development
- Openness of information and transparency of activities
Cooperation mechanisms
- Conferences and exhibitions
- Roundtables
- Joint implementation of social projects
- Corporate reporting
Professional unions
Main expectations and interests
- Participation in the development of the sector of the economy
- Corporate responsibility
- Compliance with human rights and production and environmental safety standards
- Exchange of information and knowledge
Cooperation mechanisms
- Participation in professional and cross-sectoral events
- Participation in the committees of professional organisations
- Joint projects
- Corporate reporting
Conducting public discussions
Environmental impact assessment of the Oandu Mine
On 19 March 2020, a public discussion was held on the Environmental Impact Assessment Programme for the Oandu Mine. One year later, on 19 April, the public discussion of the EIA report of the Oandu Mine was held.
According to the application for a permit to extract mineral resources, the tintention is to start oil shale extraction in the Oandu exploration field, which covers a total extractable reserve of 160,710,000 tonnes in an area of 5,856.89 ha. The reserve is designated as inactive. The application for a permit seeks to designate the deposit as active. The mining authorisation is requested for a period of 30 years at an average annual rate of 5 million tonnes and a maximum annual rate of 15 million tonnes. The oil shale to be extracted will be used as a raw material for the chemical industry, for oil production and as fuel for electricity generation. The Oandu exploration field is located in the rural municipalities of Lüganuse and Alutaguse in Ida-Viru County and in the rural municipality of Vinni in Lääne-Viru County. The Environmental Board initiated an EIA for the proposed activity on 10 July 2018.

Estonia’s own bioproduction (August – September 2021)
On 20 July 2021, VKG announced its plan to establish a bioproducts production complex in Ida-Viru County. For that purpose, an application was submitted to the rural municipality of Lüganuse to initiate a local government special spatial plan. The complex would start producing key components for manufacturing environmentally friendly retail products and the production volume would be up to 500,000 tonnes a year. The planned product range would include cellulose, soluble cellulose and tall oil. Demand for products made from such environmentally friendly materials is growing rapidly on the world market. The planned complex would use the most modern and flexible KRAFT technology, which involves a chemical processing of wood and is today the best available technology for producing cellulose, using both coniferous and non-coniferous wood.
VKG sees a need to add value to the currently exported wood here. Estonia has the necessary wood resource 80% of which is currently exported to the Nordic countries in the form of paper wood and wood chips. Estonia needs a modern bioproducts plant for adding value to low-quality wood and Ida-Viru County has the preconditions for establishing such a new production facility. A bioproducts production complex would help take a step forward towards diversifying the economy of Estonia and Ida-Viru County and achieving the environmental goals.
Our aim is to develop this project in partnership with local people, in an honest and open way. To introduce the project, we organised a series of meetings with local people in different rural municipalities and cities to tell them about the project, its impact and answer any questions they had. In addition to locals, representatives of various organisations, including nature conservation, attended the discussions. All the meetings were open to the public and broadcast live on social media. This project is another good example of how the timely involvement of the local community can build trust and cooperation. Community involvement also provides valuable input for the developer and creates an opportunity for dialogue.
On 25 August 2021, the rural municipality of Lüganuse initiated the special spatial plan for the establishment of a bioproduct production complex, and to date, initial outline of the special spatial plan as well as the memorandum of intention to conduct a strategic environmental assessment have been defined. The development of the special spatial plan is being led by the rural municipality of Lüganuse and it will take about three years. The earliest launch date for the complex is 2027.

Further information on the project:
We are convinced that an effective green transition requires a clear roadmap and social agreement. Also that the fundamental changes that this process entails are fair, accountable and that no one should be left out of the process. We see that one solution to achieving clarity would be an Estonian climate act expressing social agreement in Estonia. In September last year, we made a proposal to the Prime Minister’s Office and to the political parties in the Riigikogu to draft a climate act. Creating a climate act would mean a public process involving different parties and the public, and things would become much clearer. In Estonia, the lack of a climate act is rather an anomaly in the current situation. Climate acts with a similar scope of application have already been adopted in Europe by Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Several other EU Member States are currently developing their climate acts. Climate objectives are also established by legal acts in Scandinavian countries, which we like to look up to. Several other EU Member States are in the process of developing climate acts. Several business organisations have supported VKG’s initiative to create a climate act. The climate act would among other things provide an opportunity to clearly and in great detail stipulate Estonia’s supranational and area-specific climate goals, their timeframe and links to other acts, the EU law and international agreements, climate area terminology, restrictions of personal rights and freedoms that are appropriate and proportionate for achieving the climate goals, the rights and obligations of persons, and the standards necessary for ensuring the fulfilment of the rights and obligations.
We presented a proposal to the parliamentary parties and the Prime Minister’s Office today (6 September 2021) to develop a climate act for Estonia to express the social agreement needed for achieving Estonia’s climate goals. Without agreed legal boundaries, the green transition would result in an unclear business environment where making long-term decisions and investments would be impossible. Two years have passed from the moment when Estonia supported the establishment of the climate neutrality goal, but Estonia still lacks a plan as to which goals have to be achieved and by what time and in which areas. This situation gives rise to a justified question of what position will the Estonian Government assume with regard to the draft climate policy package ‘Fit for 55’ presented by the European Commission.
Ahti Asmann
Chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp

We presented a proposal to the parliamentary parties and the Prime Minister’s Office today (6 September 2021) to develop a climate act for Estonia to express the social agreement needed for achieving Estonia’s climate goals. Without agreed legal boundaries, the green transition would result in an unclear business environment where making long-term decisions and investments would be impossible. Two years have passed from the moment when Estonia supported the establishment of the climate neutrality goal, but Estonia still lacks a plan as to which goals have to be achieved and by what time and in which areas. This situation gives rise to a justified question of what position will the Estonian Government assume with regard to the draft climate policy package ‘Fit for 55’ presented by the European Commission.
Ahti Asmann
Chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp
Read more about the initiative
Projects to promote life in the region
Viru Keemia Grupp is a good partner to local organisations that help to promote the region’s cultural, sports and educational life. Our main focus is on local youth.
The Group has a number of initiatives of its own aimed at promoting life in the region: the Five Schools Competition, the Jõhvi Ballet Festival (in cooperation with the Jõhvi Concert Hall), educational projects, e.g. STEM, and the celebration of the Day of Miners and the Day of Chemists. Every year, we take turns to support the paediatric and maternity wards of Ida-Viru Central Hospital. The support is usually used to purchase medical equipment or to improve the conditions of patients. We also have various projects at the local government level, particularly with the City of Kohtla-Järve and the rural municipality of Lüganuse. There are also initiatives where our contribution is non-financial – volunteer work day in the City of Kohtla-Järve, tree-planting, volunteer work day at the Kiikla Orphanage, cooperation with blood centres, etc.
In the extraordinary year of 2020, we supported over 15 projects with a total amount of 30,000 euros. Last year was a more active one, and so our contribution was up to the usual level – we supported almost 30 initiatives and projects with a total of 200,000 euros.
The assistance and support of the Group can be provided to any non-profit association and/or organisation operating in Estonia, which is interested in improving the life in Ida-Virumaa or in Estonia as a whole. Most of all, we focus our attention on local dance groups, sports clubs, and education institutions. The provision of a direct subsidy to individuals is only considered in exceptional cases if we are dealing with humanitarian needs.
Five Schools Competition
Day of Chemists
Jõhvi Ballet Festival
Day of Miners