The corporate management system of the Group incorporates a set of norms and procedures, which are aimed at the exclusion of conflicts of interest between the governing bodies of the Group.
If a conflict arises, there are certain mechanisms aimed at taking the necessary measures for the complete regulation of the conflict and for creating the conditions that would exclude such a conflict in the future.
The Group’s Internal Audit Service and other competent subunits are jointly engaged in the prevention of conflicts of interest. In order to prevent possible conflicts of interest, the Group has established clearly defined restrictions and requirements for the members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board. Management Board members are prohibited from competing in an area of activity of Viru Keemia Grupp without the prior written consent of the Supervisory Board.
No members of the Management Board or the Supervisory Board had any conflicts of interest during the reporting years.
In order to exclude the occurrence of conflicts of interest, the management board members and mid-level managers of the Group companies are upon any changes taking place obligated to submit a declaration in the approved format, stating their holdings in legal entities and/or membership in the governing bodies of legal entities and/or activities as a sole proprietor.