The profit we manage to obtain due to our competitive advantage can only be achieved through the dedication of our employees and their hard work. Our approach to long-term development is based on complex, cross-functional tasks and external experience. In the result, we get a highly qualified labour force with excellent skills and knowledge, which relies on the top-notch organisational culture.
Head of HR
Our people
As of the end of 2018, Viru Keemia Grupp had 1,762 employees - 1,319 men and 443 women.

Viru Keemia Grupp is one of the largest employers in Ida-Viru County. 1,761 people are employed by the Group directly, and several thousands of people more are involved indirectly in the shape of the family members of our employees. Good financial indicators for the year 2018 are not a mere accident. They have been achieved owing to our diligent employees who have acquired new skills and been open for changes.
Our people are loyal and hard-working. The average job tenure in the company is 17 years, and the longest job tenure has so far been 52 years.
The contribution made by our employees has enabled us to achieve good financial indicators, which allowed us to establish a transparent performance rewarding system, based on certain principles.
When paying our employees for their work, we proceed from the situation on the labour market in our area, the terms and conditions that are valid on the salary market in different sectors, the level of responsibility of the employee, his or her skills, and other factors that can affect the basics of wages accounting.
In 2018, the updated personnel policy document was completed in the Group. The need for updating the personnel policy was caused by the search for, keeping, developing, and adding value to the employees that the Group needs for pursuing its goals, in accordance with the common principles. All of the employees take part in the implementation of the personnel policy, while managers play the leading role, of course.

The profit we manage to obtain due to our competitive advantage can only be achieved through the dedication of our employees and their hard work. Our approach to long-term development is based on complex, cross-functional tasks and external experience. In the result, we get a highly qualified labour force with excellent skills and knowledge, which relies on the top-notch organisational culture.
Head of HR
The national, gender, age, and language diversity of our employees set high requirements in terms of equal treatment, involvement, and the provision of information. The personnel policy contains the description of common rules of behaviour, which provide honest and fair treatment.
By respecting and developing our employees, we can implement even more innovative ideas, make our plants even smarter, and create an environmentally-friendly habitat for the people living in Ida-Viru County. This is a guarantee of our sustainable business activities.
An active and healthy employee can make a more significant contribution to the company’s success and is happier. In 2018, we provided financial support to the sports activities of the employees of the Group via the SportID environment.
Our values
We support team spirit
We promote and develop the afteergrowth
We are creating safe working environment
Training courses
In order to forward the information to the maximum number of our employees, a number of different channels are used in the Group:
- the information days for key persons take place two times a year;
- monthly information meetings;
- the personnel department holds regular meetings (ca once a quarter) with the operators of equipment and production units;
- regular meetings within production units (whenever required relevant topics are raised on those meetings);
- planning briefs that take place every morning and evening can be used for forwarding the operative information.
Work Safety
Work safety is the strategic priority of Viru Keemia Grupp. It is of extreme importance for us to provide our employees with an opportunity to concentrate on their work, without having to worry about their safety. In order to ensure that, we have 9 life-saving rules for all our employees, which are compulsory for observing.
Work safety rules provide general instructions, but the most important thing is the personal contribution and the proper attitude of every single person towards the safety of his or her own and their co-workers. If we make sure that we follow safety rules and our co-workers do that as well, we will be able to go home from work as healthy as happy as when we arrived at work. All of us are making a contribution to preserving this kind of work safety culture every single day.
In 2018, there were 14 (-26%) accidents altogether. Seven of them were serious ones, and seven were minor ones. We are not happy with this result, and we are currently making a contribution to improving the situation.
The year 2018 was very abundant in new initiatives, the the following new trends were initiated:
- We purchased a training environment (Edutizer) for teaching our employees and checking their knowledge. The first experience was obtained at VKG Oil. In 2019, we going to start using this programme in all companies of the Group.
- The new air monitoring system in mining. New smoke sensors were installed that control the level of carbon monoxide in the air.
- In mines, all workers have CO - gas analyzers. The decision to purchase them was made after the two cases when workers started feeling bad at the end of the day.
- The ongoing registration of dangerous situations, since 2018, also in IFS..
- At VKG Oil, the machines for the automatic disposal of individual safety protection devices were put into operation.
- Visualization of operating instructions with the help of videos.

We took part in the work safety campaign "Make a contribution into safety, now!" held by the Labour Inspectorate, within the frames of which the employers were urged to pay greater attention to instructing and training the employees.
We are doing our best incessantly to boost safety culture in the Group. We are making a lot of effort and striving for making sure that all of our employees, regardless of their position and company, would treat responsibly to their safety
Technical director and Vice Chairman of the Board

We are doing our best incessantly to boost safety culture in the Group. We are making a lot of effort and striving for making sure that all of our employees, regardless of their position and company, would treat responsibly to their safety
Technical director and Vice Chairman of the Board
The activities that we are making a contribution to on the ongoing basis in order to promote work safety:
- Monthly exchange of experience between specialists on the working environment;
- Working environment representatives selected from amongst the employees help to expand the coverage area of safety issues;
- Annual work safety week;
- Essential training sessions and guidelines on work safety upon hiring and regular training sessions for knowledge consolidation;
- Internal regular work safety audits;
- A thorough analysis of accidents;
- Every employee can notify about a dangerous situation in a flexible and convenient manner via various channels. In 2018, 944 dangerous situations were registered;
- Follow-up activities are planned in relation to each of these situations until they are completely resolved;
- Informing the employees about accidents at the workplace.