1Viru Keemia Grupp
We are an international fuel and energy group that is committed to creating long-term value in a low-carbon future.

Our values are:
- Openness
- Commitment
- Development
Always safe, creating added value, with an increasingly smaller carbon footprint.
We advance our strategy which is based on safety, a value-adding principle of activity, and the constant reduction of our environmental footprint. We achieve our objective byconstantly improving the efficiency of the shale oil and electricity co-production process as well as by basing our activities on a responsible business model.
We work towards a better and cleaner future. Every day.
Main indicators of 2019
million tons of processed oil shale
tons of shale oil products
tons of fine chemistry and phenol products
TWh of heat and electricity
million tons or 92% of reused waste rock
tons of CO2 per produced ton of oil
tons of SO2 bound in sulphur purification equipment
of the clients of VKG Soojus installed with remote-readable meters