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We extract a valuable alkylresorcinol mixture from shale oil.


Total shale oil phenols contain mono-, di-, and trialkylresorcinols, but the main component of the alkylresorcinol mixture is 5-methylresorcinol. We produce various shale oil phenol fractions, such as Honeyol and Rezol, for different applications. The composition of the mixture allows oil shale alkylresorcinols to substitute for resorcinols, bisphenol A and synthetic phenol.

Our products can be used for a variety of purposes, such as being key elements of finished goods and intermediary products used to produce finished goods, and to increase the functionality and durability of the goods.



Honeyol is an alkylresorcinol fraction with a boiling point of 270-320 0С. It consists of 100% resorcinol derivates and has a 5-methylresorcinol content of at least 48%. Honeyol is an effective substitute for resorcinol in various manufacturing processes. The alkyl radicals grant the finished product a higher degree of water and heat resistance and UV-resistance.

Uses as Raw Material:

  • Manufacture of adhesive resins in tire and rubber industries;
  • Adhesive resins for the wood processing industry;
  • Tamping for adhesive resins manufacture;
  • Rubber modifiers;
  • Phenolic resin manufacture.


Honeyol™ technical specifications

Shipped in
200 l metal kegs.

Other package options possible by request, subject to availability.

Net weight
approx. 225 kg

Storage life
12 months from the date of production



Rezol is an alkylresorcinols fraction with a boiling point above 270 0С. It consists of 5-methylresorcinol (at least 40%) and other resorcinol derivates. Its high proportion of hydroxyl groups makes it a suitable alternative raw material for epoxy resin manufacture.


Uses as Raw Material

  • Tamping for adhesive resins manufacture;
  • Epoxy resin manufacture


Rezol™ technical specifications

Shipped in
200 l metal kegs.

Other package options possible by request, subject to availability.

Net weight
approx. 225 kg

Storage life
12 months from the date of production

Alkylresorcinols Sale Information & Orders

Aalis Tepper

Sales Department Manager

+372 334 2779 +372 5334 1127