October 2005

Andres Veske appointed as member of OÜ VKG Energia management board

Andres Veske assumed the position of a member of the management board of Kohtla-Järve heat producer OÜ VKG Energia starting from 1 October 2004. OÜ VKG Energia produces and supplies thermal energy to 14,400 consumers in the Järve district of the City of Kohtla-Järve.

Before assuming the manager’s position in OÜ VKG Energia, Andres Veske worked for the companies of Minu Vara Grupp, managing AS Minu Vara Ida and being a member of the management board of AS Minu Vara. He continues to serve as a member of the management board of AS Minu Vara.

As the manager of OÜ VKG Energia, Andres Veske’s task is to ensure efficient and continuing operation of the thermal station, supervise the introduction of technological innovations as well as to form and develop the team in the company.

This autumn, OÜ VKG Energia started the design and construction work on a boiler for the combined burning of oil shale and generator gas. Generator gas is obtained as a by-product of shale oil manufacturing and it is beneficial both from the environmental and resource economy aspect.

OÜ VKG Energia is a fully owned subsidiary of Viru Keemia Grupp AS (VKG) and employs 100 people. As of October 2004, the company has 520 clients and the share of district heating in supplying residents and companies with thermal energy amounts to nearly 66%.

VKG acquired the assets of Kohtla-Järve Soojus AS Järve district at a public auction from AS Kohtla-Järve Soojus in June 2004. The VKG group employs over 1000 people.

For more information contact:

Elina Kink
Public Relations Manager
GSM 523 2700
E-mail: elina.kink(at)vkg.ee