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Chemical safety
VKG is actively involved in the chemical industry’s local, national and international-level activities.
The group is a member of the Estonian Chemical Industry Association and therefore an active adopter of the voluntary initiatives of the European and world chemical industry umbrella organisations CEFIC and ICCA. We have been a member of the Responsible Care initiative for over 15 years.
The goal of chemical safety is to reduce chemical-related risks to avoid harmful effects. In VKG, risks exist due to the properties of the hazardous chemicals used and produced, and the potential for exposure. Risk reduction measures are implemented according to existing risks.

Accounting and Reporting on Hazardous Chemicals
A precondition for chemical risk management is the existence of sufficient information on the properties of the chemicals and the conditions in which they are used in the company.
Therefore, VKG implements, harmonises and improves the accounting and reporting of hazardous chemicals at the group level. The group’s priorities in this area are cooperation between its subsidiaries, synergy and mutual learning. Preparatory work to harmonise accounting and reporting were launched earlier, but the first real and comparable results were achieved in 2013.
The system has been improved since, and our chemical accounting is now done with a systematic database of chemicals used in the company. Accounting shows where additional data collection is needed and which positions handle dangerous chemicals; this provides information for estimating risks, implementing risk reduction checks in the workplace and environmental pollution checks.