
October 2016

Diplomats of 15 countries visiting Viru Keemia Grupp

On Thursday, the 6th of October, representatives of fifteen countries are paying a visit to Viru Keemia Grupp. The visitors are 23 employees of foreign missions accredited to Estonia, from ambassadors to advisers. Head of delegation is the ambassador of Ireland to Estonia, Frank Flood. Among other guests are the ambassadors of Austria, Spain, Italy, France, Finland, Greece and Holland.

Ambassador of Ireland to Estonia, Frank Flood: „The interest in visiting the group and taking a closer look at an industry of such importance toEstonia arose from discussions with Ministry of the Environment officials and after the lecture of Andres Siirde, professor of Tallinn University of Technology. The purpose of the visitation is visiting oil shale enterprise Viru Keemia Grupp, meeting its management and becoming familiar with the (socio)economic and environmental impacts of the industry. One of the important tasks of diplomatic corps is to develop international commercial and industrial relations and therefore I hope that this meeting provides each party the opportunity of establishing contacts for possible cooperation in this field“.

Viru Keemia Grupp’s member of the management board, Ahti Asmann: „It is highly pleasant to have the diplomats of fifteen countries at once visiting our company. I believe this visit shall convince the ambassadors and other members of the delegation that Estonian oil shale sector remains competitive and is effective and sustainable even in the conditions of new climate policies“.

During the visit, the employees of the diplomatic corps’ are scheduled to meet the management of the group in order to introduce the visitors the oil shale industry and to draw attention to its socio-economic importance in Ida-Viru County and entire Estonia. It is planned to visit the leading shale oil production plant, Petroter factory and the newest mine in the entire European Union, Ojamaa oil shale mine.

Additional information:
Irina Bojenko
VKG Public Relations Manager
Phone: +372 334 2702
GSM +372 523 2700