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Let us know about safety risks!

In 2017, the group introduced the Unsafe Situation System, which allows every employee to report unsafe situations at work quickly and easily.

Fill In the Form and Save a Life!

Notified about the unsafe situation (recommended)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The system allows us to prevent workplace accidents by acting on problems early on. Introducing and using the Unsafe Situation System lets us include all of our employees in improving the work environment.

An unsafe situation is a situation that could harm, or could have harmed, the health of a VKG employee, subcontractor or guest. If you notice that something is not right, please let us know! Alerting us to unsafe situations is the best way for YOU to help prevent future accidents at work. These alerts let work environment specialists take measures to make the work environment safer.

We take every unsafe situation seriously, determine its causes and find a solution.

We will respond to the received inquiries as soon as possible.

Raising Awareness

In order to ensure safe and healthy working conditions and prevent workplace accidents, employees must become aware of safe work practices through required training and supervision.

All of our employees receive professional, high-quality training and supervision by experienced specialists. Every employee has to pass an exam before being allowed to work independently. Apart from the initial induction, a range of training sessions and occupational safety knowledge checks are routinely conducted.