
September 2015

Petroter III oil plant that belongs to Viru Keemia Grupp is operating at full capacity

Petroter III oil plant that belongs to Viru Keemia Grupp is operating at the designed nominal-rated capacity, which means that it processes 130-135 tons of oil shale per hour. Consequently, we can confirm that the plant has been commissioned, and its operation is stable.

Meelis Eldermann, member of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp and Technical Director: „The commissioning on the third plant that operates on the basis of the state-of-the-art technology is a great achievement, which is a good proof of the fact that the decisions made at the plant were sound and adequate, and the technology developed by the engineers of Viru Keemia Grupp is reliable, energy-efficient, and environmentally-friendly. The fast commissioning of the plant clearly confirms the ability of the group to go the whole length of the project and accomplish it successfully. Nowadays, when the situation on the market is so complicated, this is a significant investment into the development of oil shale industry in Estonia. It is when the investments are made into development that the added value in this sector of the largest natural resource is created for the state. At the moment, this sector is in urgent need of support for the sake of delivering its long-term stability“.

The construction of Petroter III oil plant started in October 2013. Less than two years passed from the beginning of construction activities to the commissioning of the plant. Operation at full capacity was achieved within a week. The cost of Petroter III project was 84 mln EUR, and the investments into all three plants amounted to 220 mln EUR on the whole. One plant operating at full capacity provides the tax revenue to the state in the amount of ca 17 mln EUR. The construction of three plants has brought to Ida-Virumaa three hundred direct well-paid workplaces and about one thousand of indirect workplaces.

VKG is one of the largest oil shale processing companies in Estonia and the second largest shale oil manufacturer in the world. VKG provides work to over 2,150 people in Virumaa. VKG is the owner of a mine, seven oil shale processing plants, including Petroter I, II and III plants, industrial energy generation facility, and transport, repair, and energy-generation facilities.

Additional information:
Irina Bojenko
VKG Public Relations Manager
Phone: 334 2702
GSM 523 2700