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Planning and timescale
We shall apply for the initiation of a special plan by the rural municipality Lüganuse. The type of this plan is the most correct and clear pursuant to law in order to ensure the mapping and engagement of the interests of the community in the best possible way.
The special plan of the local government will be prepared in two stages. In the first stage, the possible locations of the complex will be compared and analysed and the most suitable one will be selected. In the second stage, a more specific solution will be developed, e.g. the number of buildings, their exact location in the planning area, and other such.
The special planning process will include a strategic assessment of environmental impact with regard to both the potential locations and the overall impact of the production unit to be built. An environmental analysis will also be conducted with regard to the combined impact with other industries, which is particularly important in Kohtla-Järve.
The organiser of the special spatial plan and the strategic assessment of environmental impact is the local government of Lüganuse, and further information about the process is available here. The materials related to the special spatial plan of the bioproducts production complex are available on the webpage of Hendrikson & Ko who prepared the special spatial plan.
On 21 December 2022, the Lüganuse rural municipality presented the draft decision on the pre-selection of the location of the designated spatial plan of the bioproducts production complex and the report on the first stage of the strategic environmental assessment for approval and opinions. The materials presented for approval and opinions are available on the webpage of the Lüganuse rural municipality indicated above and on the designated spatial plan portal. The approval will be followed by a public display and public discussions the time schedule of which will be announced after the first round of approvals.
According to current plans, the complex would start operation in 2027 at the earliest.
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Additional studies
Local government special plan and strategic assessment of environmental impact (SAEI)
Preliminary design
Applying for an integrated permit
Final investment decision
Complex construction
Launch of the bioproducts complex