June 2004

President of the Republic of Estonia visits VKG and meets with oilshale chemists

During his tour of Ida-Virumaa on June 8, Arnold Rüütel, President of Estonia, visited the country’s largest oilshale chemical industry Viru Keemia Grupp AS. Before the visit, President Rüütel met with the employees of the chemical industry of Kohtla-Järve.

The President congratulated chemical engineers who had come to meet him on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of oil production in Estonia.

In his speech, President Rüütel said that in spite of the industrial legacy left to Ida-Virumaa after Estonia regained its independence and the transformation in the region’s large industrial enterprises, we have entered a phase in development where much will depend on how active people themselves and the industry is. “Due to its geographical location in the enlarged European Union, Ida-Virumaa has become a very promising region and this potential must be exploited,” said Mr. Rüütel. The meeting with oilshale specialists took place in a historic location at the oil tank which was restored and turned into a monument for the anniversary of shale oil production in Estonia.

Under the guidance of the management of VKG, the President and the delegation then continued the tour in the production facilities of VKG. From VKG, the President was greeted by Janek Parkman, Chairman of the Management Board, Jaanus Purga, Head of Development, and Nikolai Petrovich, Member of the Management Board of Viru Õlitööstus. The President was given an overview of the history of shale oil production, the industry’s current operations and future plans.

In addition to VKG, the President also paid a visit to the Silmet Grupp, the railcar assembly plant of UVZ&AVR and the construction materials plant of AS Silbet. In the afternoon President Rüütel visited the Virumaa College of the Tallinn Technical University and the Oilshale Institute.

During his tour, the President was accompanied by Leo Raidma, acting county governor of Ida-Virumaa, Agu Värimäe, deputy county governor, Ain Kiviorg, mayor of Sillamäe, and Yevgeni Solovjov, mayor of Kohtla-Järve.

For more information contact:

Elina Kink
Public Relations Manager
GSM 523 2700
E-mail: elina.kink(at)vkg.ee