
June 2015

Priit Rohumaa, the Chairman of the Management Board at Viru Keemia Grupp, has decided to resign

The Chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp (VKG) has decided to resign. This will be an end of his six-year term of office as the Chairman of the Management Board and the fifteen-year long career at the Group. He is standing down on 1 September 2015.  

During the management of Priit Rohumaa, a number of important changes have taken place at the Group, which indeed make it possible to refer to Viru Keemia Grupp as the flagship of the Estonian shale oil industry. In the course of long-term operation and in the result of huge investments amounting to hundreds millions euros the Group has developed one of the most complex and efficient oil shale value chains in Estonia, which starts with the newest and the most modern mine in Europe, which is Ojamaa mine, and includes three state of the art oil plants of the Petroter-type, two electric power plants, areas with district heating in two towns, and the distribution network.

In addition to that, within all of those years the Group has been upholding the reputation of a socially responsible company which supports local initiatives and institutions and organises traditional events. 

Priit Rohumaa, the Chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp: „Fifteen years at Viru Keemia Grupp have been extremely exciting and fast. In cooperation with the great team, we have managed to accomplish a lot of important missions, and, no doubt, there is still a great number of challenges waiting ahead, but at this point, I would like to turn a new page in my life and to leave the Group. I feel that this is the right time for me to do that. Fifteen years of rapid and responsible work, rich in events, have influenced my priorities and values. Now, when the construction of the third Petroter oil shale plant has entered the home stretch, I can admit to myself and the people around me that this is the time for me to slow down and focus on another important aspect of my life, which is my family.“

Priit Piilmann, a shareholder of Viru Keemia Grupp: „Priit Rohumaa´s decision to resign from the Group means more to Viru Keemia Grupp than just a change of the chairman. With Priit leaving the Group, an era that was extremely rich in events is also going to come to an end. Led by Priit Rohumaa, the Group has made a number of very important steps in the direction of further development. On behalf of the shareholders of VKG, I would like to thank Priit for good work, which has enabled the Group to develop so fast within the last decade.“  

Priit Rohumaa started working at the Group in 1998. From 2000, he was working as a Finance Director of the Group, and in 2009, he took up a position as a Chairman of the Management Board. Priit Rohumaa is going to continue working as a chairman until 1 September, when the new chairman will be elected. A public competition to fill the vacancy will be announced in the nearest future. 

VKG is the largest Estonian oil shale processing company and the second largest oil shale manufacturer in the world. In 2014, the Group made a contribution of 45 mln EUR into the state budget. VKG provides employment to over 2,000 people in Virumaa. VKG has its own mine, six oil shale processing plants, industrial power generation facility, transportation, repair, and electricity generation facilities.