June 2024

We have a bronze badge!

The Responsible Business Forum recognised outstanding enterprises at a gala held in the evening of 5 June, where the Minister of Economic Affairs and Information Technology Tiit Riisalo, the Deputy Secretary General for Economy and Innovation Sandra Särav and the Management Board of the Responsible Business Forum handed over bronze, silver and gold badges. Viru Keemia Grupp again earned a bronze badge which was even more valuable this year due to stricter assessment criteria!

A total of nearly 60 enterprises started completing the assessment form, 48 submitted it and 36 earned a badge. All these enterprises care about the surrounding living environment to a greater or lesser degree and wish to contribute to society more than actually required of them by law. These 36 enterprises and their managers have understood that the scope of impact of the decisions they make may reach significantly farther, out of the enterprise.

For VKG, responsibility is not a separate objective or plan. Above all, it is a natural output of our work and from year to year we have integrated this way of thinking into our strategy and everyday activities. We strive to do and contribute even a little more than required of us, because this way we ensure our own sustainability in the constantly evolving and changing business environment.

The Responsible Business Forum (Vastutustundliku Ettevõtluse Foorum) is an organisation founded in 2005 and it unites enterprises that practice responsible entrepreneurship. The role of the Forum is to promote the way of thinking that business should in addition to earning a profit also be socially responsible in order to ensure the sustainability of the enterprise, society, and the state. Since 2007, the Forum organises responsibility assessments: the Responsible Business Index.