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The board is composed of six members.
Three members – Ahti Asmann, Jaanis Sepp, and Raivo Attikas – manage the work of the group as a whole and participate in the boards of subsidiary companies. The other two members – Nikolai Petrovitš and Ervin Küttis – are the directors of strategically primary companies. From November 1, 2024, Raivo Vasnu joined the Management Board.
The board is tasked with the everyday management of the VKG’s economic activities and representing the company. The company must be represented by two members of the board in every legal transaction; one of the two must be either the chairman or the vice chairman of the board.
The board is composed of six members.
Three members – Ahti Asmann, Jaanis Sepp, and Raivo Attikas – manage the work of the group as a whole and participate in the boards of subsidiary companies. The other two members – Nikolai Petrovitš and Ervin Küttis – are the directors of strategically primary companies. From November 1, 2024, Raivo Vasnu joined the Management Board.
The board is tasked with the everyday management of the VKG’s economic activities and representing the company. The company must be represented by two members of the board in every legal transaction; one of the two must be either the chairman or the vice chairman of the board.
Chairman of the Management Board
1991 – 1995 Tartu Ülikool
MBA (ärijuhtimise magister)
2015 – Viru Keemia Grupp
Juhatuse esimees
2012 – 2015 – AS Eesti Raudtee
Juhatuse esimees
2010 – 2012 – SEB Ukraina
Piirkonnajuht (country manager) / nõukogu liige
2008 – 2010 – SEB Pank
Juhatuse esimees
1994-2010 – SEB Pank
Erinevad ametikohad
Eesti, inglise, vene
Vice Chairman of the Board / Financial Director
2000 – 2007 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Juuni 2023 – Viru Keemia Grupp
Finantsdirektor, asejuhataja
2016 – Viru Keemia Grupp
Finantsdirektor, juhatuse liige
2009-2016 – SEB PANK
Korporatiivklientide osakond, kliendihaldur
Struktureeritud tehingute osakond, projektijuht
Faktooringu osakond, kliendihaldur
Eesti, inglise, vene, itaalia
Member of the Board / Technical Director
1997 – 2014 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
2022 – Viru Keemia Grupp
Tehnikadirektor, juhatuse liige
2012-2022 – Eesti Energia AS
Arendusteenistus, valdkonna juht
1999-2011 – ELERING AS
Juhtimiskeskus, režiimitalitluse juhataja
Eesti, inglise, vene
Member of the Board / Member of the Board VKG Oil
1979 – 1984 Novopolotski Polütehniline Instituut
Nafta ja gaasi ümbertöötlemise tehnoloogiad
2005 – VKG Oil
Juhatuse liige
1999 – Viru Keemia Grupp
Juhatuse liige
1999 – 2005 – Viru Õlitööstus
Juhatuse liige
1998 – 2000 – Esimene Eesti Põlevkivitööstus
Juhatuse liige
1998 – 2000 – Viru Aromaatika
Juhatuse liige
1993 – 1999 – Kiviter
Põlevkivitöötluse direktor
1984 – 1993 – TK Põlevkivikeemia
Seadmejuhataja, tsehhijuhataja
Vene, eesti, saksa, valgevene
Member of the Board / Chairman of the Board VKG Kaevandused
1995 -1999 Eesti Mereakadeemia (Põhieriala: bio- ja toidutehnoloogia)
2004 – Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (informaatika – lõpetamata)
06.2023 – VKG Kaevandused
Juhatuse liige
09.2020-07.2023 – VKG Logistika
Juhatuse liige
2018-2020 – Rannu Saeveski
Juhatuse liige
2016-2017 – Kallaste Kalur
Juhatuse liige
2015-2016 – VKG Transport AS
Juhatuse liige
2010-2015 – Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse
Transpordijaoskonna juhataja
2009-2010 – Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse
Tehnilise teenistuse juht
2006-2008 – Arsaco
2005-2006 – Eesti Põlevkivi
1999-2005 – Toila-Met
Eesti, vene, inglise, saksa
Member of the Board
We consider excellent corporate governance the foundation of solid business operations. Therefore, we set clear areas of responsibility for each of our managers, employees, and partners. We believe that this is the best way to offer our shareholders long-term, competitive profit and guarantee the sustainability of our operations in all aspects.
Efficient corporate governance is the key to smooth functioning: it guarantees that the division of roles, responsibilities, rights, and accountability is clearly and commonly understood.
A five-member supervisory board supervises the activities of the parent company.
Member of the Supervisory Board
Member of the Supervisory Board
Member of the Supervisory Board
Member of the Supervisory Board
Under the Auditors Activities Act, the VKG group is considered a public-interest entity and must have a special audit committee.
The audit committee is an independent control body tasked with monitoring the competent management and control, efficiency, and relevance of the business operations.
As laid out in the statute, the audit committee is an advisory body to the board of the Viru Keemia Grupp in the fields of accounting, auditing, risk management, internal control and audit, monitoring, and budgeting, as well as compliance with laws and norms.
The members of the VKG audit committee are Ants Laos (Chairman of the committee), Margus Kangro, and Elar Sarapuu.
International management systems like ISO and OHSAS have separate procedures for risk hedging in quality management, energy managment, environmental management and occupational safety management. Those internationally recognised systems are in effect in VKG as well. The table below lists the management systems in use in the Group’s subsidiaries.
Management principles | ISO certificates (environmental, energy and quality management systems) | ISO certificate (occupational health and safety management system) |
VKG | ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO 50001 | – |
VKG Oil | ISO9001, ISO14001 | ISO45001 |
VKG Kaevandused | ISO9001, ISO14001 | ISO45001 |
VKG Energia | ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO 50001 | ISO45001 |
VKG Logistika | ISO9001, ISO14001 | ISO45001 |