
September 2015

The new chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp is Ahti Asmann

In October, Ahti Asmann will become the new chairman of the Management Board of Viru Keemia Grupp (VKG), who will replace Priit Rohumaa that occupied this position for the last six years.

Priit Piilmann, shareholder of Viru Keemia Grupp: „Ahti Asmann is a manager with a long-term international management experience, and we are very pleased that such an expert is going to join the VKG team. The present management under the auspices of Priit Rohumaa has achieved outstanding results and taken the Group to a very high level. A good proof of that are the three Petroter plants that are operating at full capacity. At the same time, there are stormy developments taking place in oil shale and chemical industry, which is why the cooperation with our financial and state partners is of high priority for the Group. Ahti is extremely competent in this field. We are sure that Ahti is the kind of manager that the Group, which is going through hard times at the moment, needs right now. On behalf of the shareholders of VKG, I am wishing Ahti a lot of luck and strength at the new position“.

Ahti Asmann: „I am very positive about the situation and extremely grateful for this challenge. The Management Board of VKG has done a very good job both in terms of promotion of the Group and of the entire branch of industry. Nowadays it is very important to provide efficiency and strengthen the company in order to attract more investments and contributions into the development of oil shale and chemistry industry and the Estonian economy in general. I attach great importance to maintaining productive collaboration with the state and financial institutions. I want to make my own contribution into the development of VKG and be a good partner to the Management Board of the Group, its Council, and VKG employees“.

Ahti Asmann has graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tartu. He worked at different positions at SEB bank for eighteen years, and in 2008-2010 he was the chairman of the Management Board at SEB. For the last three years, Ahti was managing the state enterprise AS Eesti Raudtee.

In the middle of May, Priit Rohumaa informed us about his plan to resign. Priit will perform the duties of the chairman of the Management Board until the end of September.

VKG is one of the largest oil shale processing companies in Estonia and the second largest shale oil manufacturer in the world. In 2014, the Group contributed 45 mln EUR into the state budget. VKG provides jobs to over 2,150 people in Virumaa. VKG is a socially responsible enterprise, which owns a mine, seven oil shale processing plants, including Petroter I, II and III plants, two electric power plants, and energy and heat distribution companies. 

Additional information:
Irina Bojenko
VKG Public Relations Manager
Phone: 334 2702
GSM 523 2700