
May 2015

The second sulphur-trapping unit commissioned at VKG is another important step of the Group in the direction of cleaner environment

On 5 May, the second sulphur-trapping unit was opened on the territory of VKG in Kohtla-Järve, which removes sulphur from flue gases generated in the course of production of heat and energy using the  Novel Integrated Desulphurisation (NID) technology.

Marko Pomerants, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia: „Oil shale processing industry has got a significant effect on environment. One of the relevant examples is the volume of expenses incurred by Viru Keemia Grupp to reduce the amount of sulphur emissions and the expectations set on the new sulphur-trapping unit which is supposed to reduce the environmental effect considerably. As a Minister of Environment, I am really pleased to see that specific steps were taken in the field of environmental protection. Simply closing the enterprise would not reduce the environmental effect, but do damage to the state and leave people without jobs,“ added Pomerants.   

Priit Rohumaa, the Chairman of the Management Board of VKG: „Our goal is to establish the balance between the industry and environment as well as environmental protection. One of the latest so-called „green“ projects implemented at Viru Keemia Grupp has been the successful launching of the second NID sulphur-trapping unit. Sulphur-trapping units help to promote sustainable development and the principles of circular economy in Estonia. This project can be regarded as a good example of the general strategy of the Group, which uses the oil shale potential at its maximum.“ 

Tarmo Tiits, the member of the Management Board of VKG Elektrivõrgud: „The production process of shale oil generates generator and semi-coke gases with energy potential, which are used for producing heat and energy. Flue gases generated in the course of production of heat and energy are cleaned from sulphur using the Novel Integrated Desulphurisation (NID) technology. The purification of industrial air emissions from sulphur is of the highest priority in the entire European Union. This is the second unit of this type that was launched at VKG Energia. The first unit was commissioned in 2008. Depending on the operation mode, one unit traps up to 2,000 tonnes of sulphur per year.“

The cost of the second NID sulphur-trapping unit that has recently been completed has been ca 6,300,000 EUR. The construction of VKG Energia sulphur-trapping unit has been supported by the Environmental Investment Centre in the amount of 411,564 EUR. Another financing institution has been the EBRD, one of the most environmentally-friendly European banks, which provided a loan and regarded this solution as a unique one and worth being subsidized.