
July 2004

Viru Õlitööstus AS purchases steam heat assets of Järve district of Kohtla-Järve from Kohtla-Järve Soojus AS

Viru Õlitööstus AS has acquired the assets of Järve district from Kohtla-Järve Soojus AS in the course of a public tender. The contract covers the assets related to the steam heat production, distribution and sale of the Järve district of the town of Kohtla-Järve and Kohtla municipality.

“The change of owners will not affect the customers in any way,” said Janek Parkman, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Viru Õlitööstus AS.

“The heating season will commence as usual and the heating tariffs have been established already before. Also the employees will not be affected – there will be no change in employment terms for those workers who continue in the staff of Viru Keemia Grupp,” said Parkman.