
January 2013

VKG opens its own gate at Tallinn Airport

Estonia’s biggest manufacturer of oil shale fuels and chemical products, Viru Keemia Grupp (VKG), has opened an oil shale themed exposition at Gate 4 in Tallinn Airport. Its objective is to showcase the traditions, history and nature of Estonian industry to passengers who travel though the airport.

Priit Rohumaa, CEO at VKG: “It often seems that people find the meaning of ‘industry’ hard to understand and have little appreciation for it. They tend to forget that industry is still the foundation of the entire economy. The objective of our little initiative is to show that industry is present in every product we consume, no matter how clean or green it is, and that industry can be developing, innovative, environmentally sound and even friendly.”

The slogan of the exposition is “Estonia’s Own Big Industry”. VKG is using it to emphasise that the oil shale industry has been one of the most important pillars of the Estonian economy since the country first gained independence.

The gate was designed by Piret Puppart. The co-creators of the illustrative material and concept are designer Oliver Oberg and photographer Kaupo Kikkas.